Corporate Wellness

Professional HealthProfessionally designed and tailored Wellness Programs reap maximum rewards for both employers and staff. Body Science acknowledges employers growing recognition of the value of ‘human capital’ which considers the benefits of healthy, productive employees satisfied in their work environment. Our Wellness programs help you achieve government initiatives such as ‘Triple bottom line accounting’ and Corporate Health directives.

We understand that implementing Health initiatives takes time but assure you that we are committed to helping facilitate this process and have systems in place to minimise your input once programs have been initiated.

Corporate Wellness Programs are frequently sited as being beneficial for both employers and their staff. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Employers have the opportunity to increase productivity while decreasing absenteeism and staff turnover due to serious illness and dissatisfaction.

  • Reduced absenteeism and increased productivity is a primary benefit of health initiatives for employers
  • Health Initiatives improves the standing of management with employees & projects a strong company image and culture.
  • Conducting corporate health initiatives adds tangible value to business
  • Improved moral, retention and recruitment of good employees are considered important reasons for employers to offer Wellness programs
Body Science provided us with well designed programs which our staff and management have embrassed. It has provided a real lift to everyday work life.


Corporate WellnessEmployees highly value health related initiatives provided by their employers considering them a sign of personal attention and adding satisfaction in the workplace.

  • Employees are highly appreciative of workplace health programs which have a positive effect on attitudes toward the organisation, superiors and co-workers
  • Employees attitudes include the feeling of support which is considered to be a critical factors influencing the return to work and absenteeism
  • Employees become empowered members of firms not antagonists or adversaries in a battle between capital and labour
  • Employees consider health initiatives improve work life balance.


1. Crowther, Thwaites & Zhou, 2004. Monash University. Measuring the benefits of Corporate Health and Wellbeing Initiatives.
2. Australian Human Resources Institute (2000). Curing the Body Corporate.
3. Gollan, P., (2002). ‘Human resources, capabilities, and sustainability.
4. Creelmen, W. & Boyd J., (2000). What do employees want and need?
5. Massey, Lamm & Perry (2007). New Zealand Department of Labour. How Health & Safety make good business sense